Ken Lewis and Scott Dente – Bigger Story Music

Our foray into Production Music started out with a big helping of curiosity and a side of concern. We were both successful touring and studio musicians in Nashville, but by 2010 the winds of change were blowing in the record business again, and our desire to keep getting on those tour busses began to dwindle. However, our interest in tv and film music had really grown. We took a few trips to L.A. We took meetings. We took notes. We made friends. And it was during this season that we realized we weren’t just pitching ourselves as composers and producers. We had something else. It was our strong community of players, engineers and artists that were already our colleagues for the past 25 years. Nashville is a deep well, and we had been pouring into it and drinking from it for a long time. It was an exciting realization. We had everything and everyone we needed; we just had to procure some work and then learn how to do it well. Easy, right?

Well it wasn’t, but let’s fast forward past the messy parts of the origin story and jump into the present. After producing thousands of cues for other libraries, we decided to launch our own in 2019. We’ve just released our 300th Bigger Story Music album, and it feels as if we’ve figured a few things out.

In our field we know that change is inevitable as music keeps evolving across all genres. But this actually energizes us. Planning new projects and casting the characters that will bring a particular album home is what makes us tick.  We have a very deep bench here in Nashville, and we use it to our best advantage. We don’t take for granted that we live in Music City and that the very best have moved here or work here regularly. It’s been our greatest asset in growing our library and our company. Sure, we can make country music, and we do, but the breadth and depth of talent here leaves us free to explore just about any style or genre that we can imagine, and that’s what we do.

We also realize that there are plenty of producers and composers that are completely self contained, sitting at a computer by themselves and doing fantastic work. We employ a few of these solo geniuses. But our real passion continues to be gathering a diverse group of arrangers, composers, players and engineers to create the high level of production music that Bigger Story Music is becoming known for. And for us, that happens in community.

We came from the record business, and have always sought to create great music that rivals the albums that we grew up with and projects that we got to be a part of when we were first starting out here. Of course, we want our music to be useful, but first, it has to be something that we can be proud of calling Bigger Story Music.

Bigger Story Music is Ken Lewis and Scott Dente. Distributed by BMG worldwide. Check them out at